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Test'in Products Work
detoxification products are a unique combination
of all natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs that
reclaims and detoxifies your system while unstacking
the red blood cells in your body. Test'in is an
oxygen catalyst that makes use of the free oxygen
available in water and unstacks the red blood
cells called "Roulex-Formation". This
leaves you with a flat independently floating
cell. Nature can now take its course by allowing
all the toxins to be released from your body and
at the same time replenishing your system with
all natural vitamins and minerals. This process
is completely natural ( It is not a mask ). Your
system will be toxin free and permanently cleansed
unless you use again, no matter how long that
may be. Test'in detoxification & body cleansing
products since 1993. |
in Fat Cells
Using Test'in
is an example of how the Test'in detoxification
process removes toxins from the fat cells in your
body. For anymore information feel free to email
us at info@ipassedmydrugtest.com
or call our 24 hour phone line at 800 733-4429.
We would be happy to answer any further questions
you may have about your upcoming test or any of
our drug test solutions. |
Permanent Solutions: